Radioactive isotopes and radiation producing equipment are used in science, engineering, dental and the medical faculties.
Work with such substances and equipment comes under close scrutiny by the HKSAR Radiation Board (Department of Health) and licences are required to be renewed annually to enable users to continue with work where they may be exposed to ionizing radiation.
The University have appointed a Radiation Protection Officer (RPO) who provides expert advice to users and potential users and also who runs a biannual practical training course for users of radioactive materials to ensure they are competent to handle such materials once back in their department.
The RPO is supported by the Radiation Protection Unit whose duties are:
To ensure the safe use of radioactive substances and irradiating apparatus according to the licences issued under the Radiation Ordinance.
To provide University-wide radiation protection service which includes:
personal surveillance.
inspection and laboratory contamination monitoring.
radioactive substances transportation.
radioactive waste collection and treatment.
approval of purchase of radioactive substances and irradiating apparatus.
approval and designation of radiation workers/users.
approval and designation of radioisotope laboratories.
advice on use of radioactive substances.
advice on the design of controlled/supervised areas.
leak testing of sealed radioactive sources.
functional testing of radiation monitors.
conducting a biannual Radiation Protection Course.
assistance and advice on radiation emergencies.
For detailed information on University Policy, responsibilities and guidelines please check out the Radiation Safety section of the Safety Manual.
The Radiation Protection Officer is Dr Charles Chan who can be contacted at 2241 5471 or email chantp01@hku.hk.