Request for Order of
Radioactive Substances
This is an enhanced purchasing procedure for radioactive substances. To ensure that advance approval is given by the Radiation Protection Officer (RPO) before goods are ordered and delivered, the following procedure should be followed.
(A) For local order not exceeding HK$30,000
Download the approval form by clicking Approve Order Form.
Complete the form with approval from DRSR/Concerned person listed at the corresponding RS licence and email it to Safety Office (RPU) (rpuso@hku.hk).
The Safety Office (RPU) will then email or fax the form to the supplier after approval with a ref. no. assigned. The copy with assigned ref. no. will be returned by email or by fax to the "" department/school concerned. Normally it will not take more than 2 working days for the process when the substances to be ordered are covered by a current Radioactive Substances Licence.
After the goods have been received, the ordering department/school should send the invoice together with a copy of the duly approved form to the Finance and Enterprises Office for payment according to the Regulations for "Payment on Invoice without a Purchase Order".
(B) For local order > HK$30,000 and/or for overseas order
Please forward the DRAFT PO to the RPO for endorsement before submitting to the Finance and Enterprises Office. Note that we have to apply for Import Licence and Transportation Permit from the Radiation Board for overseas order before delivery. It would take few days up to several weeks for the licence application process.
A list of suppliers for radioactive materials as identified by the RPO is given below for your reference.
Company & contact information
Advanced Technology and Industrial Co., Ltd.
Tel: 2390 2293 Fax: 2789 8314
e-mail: sales@advtechind.com
Bio-Gene Technology Ltd.
Tel: 2646 6101 Fax: 2686 8806
email: info@bio-gene.com.hk
Ficom Systems Ltd.
Tel: 2320 0101 Fax: 2320 2721
e-mail: sales@ficom.com.hk
GE Medical Systems Hong Kong Ltd.
Tel: 2802 1289 Fax: 2603 6811
Global Medical Solutions Hong Kong Limited
Tel: 2562 9398 Fax: 2562 9121
web: http://globalmedicalsolutions.com/
Tin Hang Technology Limited
Tel: 2817 2121 Fax: 2580 7763
email: sales@tinhangtech.com
Please call Tel: 2859 2547 or
e-mail: rpuso@hku.hk for enquiry.